Shipping costs

Shipping costs are determined by the number of cartons. At this time we are only shipping within Austria as well as Germany.

Austria and Germany
6 bottles: 6,00 €
12 bottles or more: free shipping



The Right Location Matters

Kartendaten: 2018 Google, DigitalGlobe

Our Vineyards at a Glance

Learn more about our vineyards here or just come directly to our winery and enjoy the breathtaking scenery!

AunbergKönigsbergKlöchbergStradner Rosenberg

See for Yourself


Altitude: 315 meters
Location/Exposure: upper slope, flat back, SW, 8°
Source material: calcereous marl clay
Soil Type: calcareous infiltration soil
Basis: deep
Lime content: calcareous

Limestone in the soil
Limestone in the soil

Soil Profile

Arig 0-30: strongly humous, pure silty clay, slightest patches of rust and ash, slightly micaceous and calcareous, crumbly, porous, well- to very well-rooted, dark brown
BArig 30-60: lightly humous, silty clay, porous, crumbly to blocky rounded edges, slightly micaceous, individual iron and manganese concretions, well-rooted, somewhat calcareous, dark brown to brown
B 60-80: silty clay, loamy silt, non-humous, normally porous to finely porous, slightly dense, blocky rounded edges, pure brown
BCv from 80: loamy, light silt, dense, tapered rooting, iron and manganese concretions, blocky and sharp-edged, lime efflorescence, greyish-brown, calcareous, finely porous, lightly weathered patches

Composition at comparative locations (at 80 cm depth): sand: 3%, silt: 72%, clay: 25%
Water storage capacity/Usable field capacity: about 180 litres/m²

Effects of soil type on wine

The limestone clay creates more concentrated, full-bodied exotic fruit aromas. Above all, the lime content brings with it a noticable feeling of higher minerality. Along with it, the finesse and fine fruit aroma also increases. The acidity structure of wine grown in the calcereous marl clay soil presents with soft and creamy notes.

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Altitude: 360 meters
Location/Exposure: upper slope, W-NW, 20°
Source material: slag basalt
Soil Type: red clay infiltration soil
Basis: deep
Lime content: top soil, slightly calcareous

Typical tuff stone in the soil
Typical tuff stone in the soil

Soil Profile

Arig 0-25: silty, argillaceous clay, crumbly-porous, well-rooted, dark brown, strongly humous, sporadic lime deposits ABrig 25-55: silty, loamy clay, well-rooted, finely porous, reinforced earthworm tubes, individual patches of ash, slightly dense, blocky´and sharp-edged, brown Bv 55-80/90: loamy to lightly loamy clay, strongly malleable, dense, reddish brown, blocky and sharp-edged, well-rooted, finely porous, slightly weathered Bv Cv from 80/90: argillaceous to loamy clay, tapered rooting, reddish brown to greyish brown, hollowed spaces, individual tuff stones, blocky to brismatic sharp-edged, weathered patches

Composition at comparative locations (at 5 cm depth): sand: 5%, silt: 38%, clay: 57% Water storage capacity/Usable field capacity: about 140 litres/m²

Effects of soil type on wine

Weathered volcanic soils have a powerful effect on wine. The elements of minerality and salinity distinguish the wine by giving it a full-bodied taste and distinct aroma. These soils are excellent for masculine wine, such as Traminer, Grauburgunder and red wine varieties. The sites also support additional characteristics of these varieties of wine.

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Altitude: 377 meters
Non-calcareous slag basalt infiltration soil.

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Altitude: 370 to 410 meters
Calcareous soil made of fine tertiary sediments,
partially characterised by its volcanic soil basin.

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News from the Winery

Sieger Ballweinverkostung 2025

Sieger Ballweinverkostung 2025

Unser Chardonnay Ried Aunberg Privat 2022  ist Bauernbundball-Wein 2025!

Ausgezeichnet und auserwählt! Unser Chardonnay Ried Aunberg Privat 2022 konnte sich in einer Verkostungskommission durchsetzen und wird beim großen Bauernbundball in Graz ausgeschenkt. Bei 16.000 Gästen sind wir stolz, mit unserem Wein ein Teil dieses besonderen Abends zu sein.

Wir stoßen an – auf Genuss & Tradition!  #Bauernbundball #Genussmoment

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1. Platz bei der Falstaff Sauvignon Blanc Steiermark Trophy

1. Platz bei der Falstaff Sauvignon Blanc Steiermark Trophy

Unser Sauvignon blanc Tieschen 2022 konnte bei der Falstaff Sauvignon Blanc Steiermark Trophy überzeugen und holte sich den 1. Platz.
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Landessieger mit Grauburgunder 2022

Landessieger mit Grauburgunder 2022

Wir sind Landessieger!
Mit unserem Grauburgunder DAC 2022
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